It is a way to override methods of a class at runtime. You can add new methods or modify existing ones.

In the following example we are monkey patching the to_s method of the class String:

class String
  def to_s
    puts 'I have been monkey patched'


As you can see, this gives us a lot of possibilities, but we have to be very careful because this approach can lead to potential bugs that are very difficult to debug. Fortunately, Ruby already has a feature to add scope to our monkey patch. In the following example we will do the same but within a context:

module MyMonkeyPatch
  refine String do
    def to_s
      puts 'I have been monkey patched'

# Now we can add our monkey patch to the global scope or inside any class:
class TestMyMonkeyPatch
  using MyMonkeyPatch

  def test

A good example of Monkey Patching in Rails is ActiveSupport, where we have vitaminized objects like 2.hours